Misdiagnosis -Bowel Cancer

Misdiagnosis -Bowel Cancer

Bowel cancer, one of the most prevalent cancers in the UK, is often subject to misdiagnosis and diagnostic delays.

It is well known that a diagnosis of bowel cancer at an early stage dramatically increases the chances of survival.

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Breast Cancer Misdiagnosis

Breast Cancer Misdiagnosis

If, in the unfortunate event, you believe you have experienced a negligent delay in diagnosis of breast cancer or any other type of medical negligence, and you intend to make a claim, it is important that you seek legal advice.

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Vaginal Mesh Claims – Women’s Health Negligence

Vaginal Mesh Claims – Women’s Health Negligence

In recent years, the use of vaginal mesh implants to treat pelvic organ prolapse (POP) and stress urinary incontinence (SUI) in the UK has come under intense scrutiny. Thousands of women who underwent these procedures have reported severe complications, leading to a surge in vaginal mesh claims.

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A Guide To Claiming Compensation For Sodium Valproate – Epilepsy Drug Claims

A Guide To Claiming Compensation For Sodium Valproate Birth Injuries

All birth injuries are distressing, but those caused by medication taken by the mother during pregnancy can take a particularly emotional toll because the mother often (mistakenly) blames themselves. Following the Thalidomide scandal of the late 1950s and early 1960s, the British Government passed the Medicines Act 1968 to strengthen control of the manufacturing and supply of human and animal medicines.

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